Disciplinary Cell

Disciplinary Cell @ SKPIMCS

SKPIMCS runs a Disciplinary cell where each student has to follow the following code of Conduct:

I-card is compulsory for every Student.

For safety sake, students are warned not to play with electric fittings,fire extinguisher and furniture, if this is neglected it may lead to fatal accident or may harm them and it is a punishable act.

Ragging is strictly prohibited in the institute premises. Anyone found in this act will be rusticated from the institute.

Any misbehavior/Mischief on the part of the students with other students, faculty member and staff is subject to severe punishment as decided by the authority.

Use of mobile phones in the classroom, library or computer lab is strictly prohibited. Anybody found using them inside the class-room, library or in the computer labs will be strictly punished/penalized.

Students are not allowed in the canteen during the lecture hours.

Every student is under observation of CCTV cameras.
